WHAA China Earthquake Relief Fund

Stan Liou handing a $1,700 check to a Chinese Consulate personnel

A Letter of Appreciation and a Receipt from the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco

Lit Taik & Rosemary Tan US$500 U.S.A.
Helen Yong Yee Fong US$500 U.S.A.
Stan & Lulu Liou US$200 U.S.A.
Eric Lai US$100 U.S.A.
Joe & Jean Chow US$100 U.S.A.
Man Kee & Mrs. Kyu US$50 U.S.A.
Steven & Susan Kong US$50 U.S.A.
Henry & Cynthia Lim US$50 U.S.A.
Helena & Johnny Hsiung US$50 U.S.A.
Oliver & Paschalina Young US$50 U.S.A.
Kang Sun & Pou Iok Chou US$50 U.S.A.
Grand Total US$1,700

Led by Dr. Regina Ling (Teacher Sao), Alumni and Friends Generously Donated to Cyclone Nargis Survivors. $6,050 has been raised so far.

Click here to read a letter of appreciation from Sister Rosary of St. Theresa's Church.

A Letter of Appreciation from UNICEF

A Receipt from IBMO

Dr. Regina Ling US$600 U.S.A.
Stan and Lulu Liou US$500 U.S.A.
Ignatius and Christina Young US$500 U.S.A.
Shan Khin and Khin Khin Gyi US$500 U.S.A.
Daniel and Nancy Chin US$300 U.S.A.
Seraphim and Sophie Sue US$200 Taiwan
Ken and Pat Yup US$200 U.S.A.
Oliver and Paschalina Young US$200 U.S.A.
Jean and Joe Chow US$100 U.S.A.
Henry and Cynthia Lim US$100 U.S.A.
Thomas and Valerie Young US$100 U.S.A.
Nora and Ken Kay US$100 U.S.A.
Steven and Susan Kong US$100 U.S.A.
Patrick and Helen Ho US$100 U.S.A.
Maisie and George Chan US$100 U.S.A.
Eric Lai US$100 U.S.A.
Diana and Charlie Tseng US$100 U.S.A.
James and Lily Huang US$100 U.S.A.
Jing S. and Taw Fee Lin US$100 U.S.A.
Christine D. and Jacob D'Souza US$100 U.S.A.
Patricia Chin (Ma Pyu Pyu) US$100 U.S.A.
Helen Yong Yee Fong US$100 U.S.A.
Arthur and Janet Wong US$50 U.S.A.
Sidonie and Chow Hpaw Tain US$50 U.S.A.
Peter and Mabel Young US$50 U.S.A.
Man Kee and Mrs. Kyu US$50 U.S.A.
Helena and Johnny Hsiung US$50 U.S.A.
Rick Moy US$50 U.S.A.
Kang Sun and Pou Iok Chou US$50 U.S.A.
David and Mrs. Wong US$30 U.S.A.
Supplement from WHAA General Fund US$1270  
Grand Total US$6,050  

WHAA is still accepting donations. If you would like to donate, please send a check or money order, made payable to Wan Hua Alumni Association, to Stan Liou, 360 Marcella Way, Millbrae, CA 94030, U.S.A. Upon receipt of your check or money order, we will send you a receipt for your donation. Any amount is welcomed.


A scene from May 18 Special Meeting

Minutes of the May 18, 2008 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay

Alumni discussing disbursement of WHAA's relief funds to cyclone victims

Click here to see 1st video.

Click here to see 2nd video.

Click here to see 3rd video.

Click here to see 4th video.

Click here to see 5th video.

Click here to see 6th video.

Click here to see 7th video.

2008 Chinese New Year Dinner Movies & Pictures

One hundred eighty-three alumni, family members and friends attended this event, held on Saturday, April 19, 2008. The attendees had a good time, listening to music, dancing, dining, networking and renewing friendship with each other.

Click to see movies. It takes a minute or two to download.

Click to view each picture in a larger size.

WHAA President Stan and Lulu Liou (Treasurer)
Teacher Katherine Win with her students. Kang S. Chou (left), Teacher Katherine Win, Maisie Chan and Helen Fong
Teacher Johnson Koo readies for a speech
Ken (Official Photographer) and Nora Kay (English Secretary)
James Huang (Yu Khin), Master of Ceremonies of this event. As a student, James had served as emcee in many CACS events.
DJ Ko Than Maung (left) and Joe Chow (Adviser)
Jinnie and her hubby Charlie Wan
Dianna (Director) and her hubby Charles Tseng
Standing from l to r: Alfred and Mrs. Chin, Mrs. Chou and Kang S. Chou (Director). Front row: David (Director) and Mrs. Wong
Mrs. Young, Thomas Young (Auditor), and Peter Young (Director)
L to r: Arthur Wong (Chinese Secretary) and Dr. Kyaw Win (Director)
Ko Aung Myint (left) and Eric Lai (Los Angeles)
Clarence (former Treasurer) and Marie Chan
Helen Fong (2nd from left), Maisie Chan and her two daughters
Lit Taik Tan (left), Tyan Shyi (Los Angeles), Hlatin Tan, and Kenneth Wong (Central Photo Studio)
Ko Kyi Soe (left), Henry Te (Los Angeles), Stan Liou, Kenneth Wong, Lit Taik Tan, and Tyan Shyi
Seated from left: Aung Soon, Margaret Wong, Mrs. Tan, Lit Taik Tan, and Tyan Shyi
Sidonie Tain (left), daughter Trina, and Cynthia Lim
Si Si Lee (center) with brother Cliff and sister-in-law
Pauline Sio (Director), Peter Young, and Stan Liou
Ko Kyaw Myint holding his prize from raffle drawing
Lena (Southern California) and her hubby Charlie Yang entertaining the audience
Pansy Shoung (left), Freda Swee Tin Fong, Dr. Kyaw Win, Patrick Ho (Director), Mrs. Ho, and Lena Yang
Jeffrey and Mrs. Chow
Joe (Adviser) and Jean Chow (Vice President) dancing the evening away
Alumni picture
Steven Leesan Kong (Honorary President), Ko Aung Myint and Eric Lai
Oliver Young (left), Ko Aung Myint, Soon, and Mrs. Hoe
Felix Chin (Honorary President)
Alumni picture
Francis Ting (Director)
Ko Hla Shwe (left) and David Wong
Joseph Lye (in blue jacket) buying raffle tickets
Alumni picture
Helena and Johnnie Shiung with Stan Liou in the middle
Henry (left) and Cynthia Lim with Ko Aung Myint (standing)

More pictures to come.......

More pictures to come.......