Minutes of the Meetings

Minutes of the July 12, 2008 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay

Minutes of the May 18, 2008 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay

Minutes of the April 5, 2008 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay

Minutes of the February 21, 2008 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay
Minutes of the November 17, 2007 Meeting, recorded by Nora Kay
March 4, 2007 Meeting Minutes
Time: 2:00 p.m., Sunday, February 11, 2007
Place: St. Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd., San Francisco, Ca
Present: Francis Ting, Henry Lim, Clarence Chan, Thomas Young, Patrick Ho, Felix Chin, James Huang, Joe Chow, Jean Chow, Lulu Liou & Stan Liou.
Volunteers for the Chinese New Year Dinner Party will be:
- Front Desk: Cynthia Lim, Nora Kay and Clarence Chan
- Gift wrapping/Decoration: Lulu Liou and Jean Chow
- Emcee: James Huang
- Photographer: Kenneth Kay
- Karaoke Program: Ko Than Maung and Joe chow
1. More Volunteers are needed to help at the Front Desk and to decorate the site on the day of the Chinese New Year Dinner. Please email Webadmin@wanhua.org or call Stan Liou at 650-302-6993 if you can help.
2. More raffle prizes for Chinese New Year Dinner are needed from alumni. Please bring your gifts to the April 7 meeting. Current gift donors are: Nora & Ken Kay, Clarence Chan, James Huang, Stan & Lulu Liou, Jean, and Joe Chow. Thomas agreed to go out and buy Grand Prize items.
3. Emcee: James Huang (Chinese and English versions)
4. Invite teachers to attend our Chinese New Year Party – Francis Ting will find out which teachers will attend and Stan Liou will invite them.
5. Adopted James Huang’s suggestions to give teachers the honor to say a few words at the Dinner, and to show some slides of Wan Hua student pictures, 2006 Picnic pictures, Grand Canyon trip pictures and New Year Party pictures. Ken Key, the photographer, will be in charge of producing slides.
6. Speeches to be concluded by 7:00 p.m. and a full-course dinner will be served immediately afterwards.
7. Starting with this meeting, the Association will email minutes of meetings to Honorary Presidents, Directors, Officers and Attendees, and Resolutions will be posted on the website.
8. Frequency of alumni meetings – Unanimously agreed to hold a meeting every other month. However the President, at his discretion, can call special meetings to discuss matters of upmost importance.
9. Meeting Agenda – We urge our alumni to send in their ideas and opinions. Based on their input, the Association will prepare agendas for discussion in its meetings. Alumni’s suggestions and comments are essential to our building a better association.
10. Stan Liou will ask the restaurant’s Manager to provide healthier food with less salt and less oil.
11. Next alumni meeting – Saturday, April 07, 2007 at 12:00 noon, at Lulu & Stan Liou’s Residence, 360 Marcella Way, Millbrae, CA 94030. Phone: (650) 302-6993. Note: Mohingar with Bei-Kyaw will be served. Please come and taste Millbrae’s best Burmese chef’s cooking.
Prepared by Joe Chow
February 11, 2007 Meeting Minutes
Time: 2:00 p.m., Sunday, February 11, 2007
Place: St. Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd., San Francisco, Ca
Present: Joseph Lye, James Huang, Francis Ting, Joe Chow, Jean Chow, Lulu Liou, Stan Liou, Steven Kong, Felix Chin, Arthur Wong, and Clarence Chan.
1. Stan informed the members at the meeting that the Myanmar Overseas Chinese Association has invited us to join them in their world-wide reunion party which is held every other year. This time, it will be held in Hong Kong from Sept 14 to16. Registration fee is US$60 per person. Airfare, lodging and food are not included. If any body wants more information, please contact Stan.
2. Francis Ting said he heard that there is an ex-Wanhua teacher living in Chicago, but he doesn’t know how to contact him/her. This year’s dinner party will be a little different from last year’s. Instead of selling tickets to our teachers, we will invite them to the party. At this time, we do not know how many teachers will come.
3. The following names were proposed during the meeting:
(1). Burma Wan Hua Alumni Association of Northern California.
(2). Burma Wan Hua Alumni Association of Bay Area.
(3). Burma Overseas Chinese Wan Hua Alumni Association of Northern California.
(4). Burma Overseas Chinese Wan Hua Alumni Association of Bay Area.
Attendees unanimously voted for No. 1. From now on, the Association will be known as
Burma Wan Hua Alumni Association of Northern California.
4. In the future, meeting agendas will be e-mailed to all the officers and interested persons three days in advance. We hope this will allow more alumni to participate in our discussions, thereby making them more lively and energetic. If anybody has any comments or suggestions, please let us know. We will include your comments or suggestions in the agenda. Your participation is important to us. You can send them to our secretary, Joe Chow, at yangon71@yahoo.com or via any officers.
5. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Sunday March 4, 2007. Time: 2:00 p.m. Place: St. Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd, San Francisco.
Prepared by Joe Chow
January 21, 2007 Meeting Minutes
Place:Joe's and Jean's residence, 832 Hawthorne Way, Millbrae, Ca
Time:11:30 a.m., Sunday, January 21, 2007
Present:Jean Chow, Joe Chow, Thomas Young, Joseph Lye, James Huang, Lulu Liou, Stan Liou, Henry Lim, Francis Ting, Clarence Chan, Diana Tseng, Cynthia Lim, Charlie Tseng, Cho Kok Liang (a) Dr. Kyaw Win, Pin Tsi Liu, Arther Wong, Steven Kong, Oliver Young, James Young, Patrick Ho, Edward Chin, Peter Chin, Richard Lai, Nora Kay, and Ken Kay.
President Stan informed the members that the New Year Dinner Party will be held on April 15, 2007 at the Grand Palace Seafood Restaurant, 359 Grand Ave., South San Francisco. Booked for 12 tables with an option to add more tables. He delegated members to sell tickets ($30 per person). The party will start at 5 p.m. until 11 p.m.
Stan advised members to come early before 5 p.m. because we are going to take a group photo before the party commences.
We decided to have two MCs. Jean Chow will do an English version and James Huang will do a Chinese version.
Stan Liou will handle the party program for the evening.
We encourage members to donate a couple of items ($10 each) for raffles. More prizes will attract more people to buy raffles. In addition, we will add 1st, 2nd & 3rd grand prizes which are worth about $100, $75 & $50 respectively. Thomas Young will be responsible for getting those items. As far as selling raffle tickets is concerned, each EC member will be responsible to sell to the people with whom he/she shares the table.
Follow up on Nuns/Teachers donation: Francis Ting & Henry Lim had requested their friend, who left for Burma on 1/16/07, to deliver the $200 to the nuns in Burma.
Some members mentioned ways of raising funds for our Association. We decided that they are not feasible to our cause. At this meeting, we collected cash donations of $463 from some of our members.
We are going to adopt Henry’s suggestions on how to solve issues. All issues will be decided and solved at the monthly meetings by vote (no electronic vote). Major issues will require 66% yes, and minor issues will only require 51% yes for approval.
We briefly talked about what name the Association should take. Tentatively, it will be named "Burma Wan Hua Alumni Association." But we will call for a vote at the next meeting to decide our Association’s permanent name.
Our unfinished By-Laws will be continued by the following persons: Diana Tseng, Stan Liou, Henry Lim, James Huang & Clarence Chan. Also, we will define the Director’s duties and responsibilities.
We delegated the following persons to contact other alumni who are still not aware that we exist. James Huang for International. Nora Kay for USA and Patrick Ho for Bay Area.
Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Sunday Feb 11, 2007 at St Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd, San Francisco at 2:00 p.m.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail yangon71@yahoo.com.
Prepared by Joe Chow
December 3, 2006 Meeting Minutes
Place: Scanlan Hall, St. Thomas More Church, 1300 Junipero Serra Blvd., San Francisco
Time: 2:45 p.m., Sunday, December 3, 2006
Present:: Stan Liou, Felix Chin, Joe Chow, Jean Chow, Lulu Liou, Henry Lim, William Chou, Chou Kong Sun, Joseph Lye, David Wong, James Huang, Maximus Chin, Francis Ting, Steven Kong and Clarence Chan.
Meeting was called to order.
Chairman Stan, in his opening remark, requested all attending Officers to set an example by donating cash to the Association, in any amount. He announced that Peter Wong from New York had donated $50.00 the night before. He added that donation should be on a voluntary basis, but at the present time, our association needs funds. He encouraged all members to show their enthusiasm in supporting this donation drive.
Concerning cash donation to the nuns/ teachers in Burma, Chairman Stan requested Francis Ting to take charge of it. All the relevant information about the transaction should be reported to the Association in due course. A total amount of $200.00 in cash was handed over to Francis Ting by Chairman
Stan pointed out that election of eleven to thirteen members to the Board of Directors was quite right and a good proposal. At present twelve members had been selected, but one remaining empty seat has to be added to the Board. Joseph Lye is to retain his position. The final number of Directors on the Board would be 13. The Chairman proposed that Ken Yup be appointed Honorary President because of his generous cash contribution to the association, and all members agreed unanimously to this proposal. Unfortunately, due to his work schedule, Ken could not make himself available at the meeting. Joe Chow has been participating all along in all the activities of the Association voluntarily since it was established in the year 2005. Without objection, he was honored to be a Wan Hua alumnus with full membership rights by Chairman and the members.
After discussion, it was decided to delete the "Northern California" heading from the Association’s letter head and banners.
Suggestion was made and adopted to add Chinese names to the Alumni List. This will make it easier for our alumni to identify those schoolmates, who are better known by their Chinese names.
James Huang suggested that communication with our alumnae and alumni, especially during holiday seasons like Christmas and New Year, should be by U.S. mail. But Henry Lim brought up the cost of postage. Chairman said that it’s better to make use of phone and website for dissemination of information and communication, rather than writing.
Chairman said that the upcoming Lunar New Year dinner party has been scheduled for April 15, 2007. For the time being 15 tables are booked at the restaurant in South San Francisco. The number of tables has to be determined. The price of a ticket will be set at $30.00. Joe Chow and Stan would go to the restaurant for further arrangements.
Jean Chow handed over her duty to the newly-appointed Treasurer, Clarence Chan, at the meeting. She distributed copies of her final financial report to the members and her successor.
James Haung proposed that we keep backup files of documents and photos from the website in paper folders. Chairman and Henry Lim suggested that the backup system on the website is sufficient for the Association.
Steven Kong requested Henry to collect alumni’s names, addresses and phone numbers from the registration book. But it was fewer than three alumni who actually registered, Henry replied.
Jean Chow donated $100.00. David Wong donated $25.00. William Chou donated $40.00 and Peter Wong donated $50.00.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.