Salute to Raymond Kong of Perth, Western Australia
Raymond Kong
說真話, 江仰民學長給我們的印象是愛家, 愛校, 愛同學, 也就是愛國, 愛鄉, 愛中華.
校友們公認他是挽華傑出校友之一, 亦是挽華傑出老師之一. 其實, 何止於此, 個人認為他是挽華校友豪傑中之豪傑, 英雄中之英雄. 我們很敬佩江學長傳承了愛的挽華之優良傳統. 我們有理由相信天主教挽華的博愛精神會繼續帶領我們挽華校友愛生命, 愛人類, 愛和平.
所謂 "一分耕耘, 一分收獲". 很高興看見校友們長大後的今天< 大部分都擁有自己的一片藍天. 在各個領域中, 展現亮麗的成績. 更難得的是事業有成之後, 不忘回饋社會. 是故, 雖然挽華學校沒了, 但我們愛的挽華精神永在. 祝願愛的挽華之博愛精神代代永續相傳, 直到永遠.
言歸正傳, 本會今年五月, 經本會副會長江立三校友協調, 旅澳江仰民學長樂捐給本會5,000美元.曾為此, 本會滕偉廉會長 (Nora Kay) 謹代表本會全體校友也發過電郵 (email) 給遠在澳洲的江仰民學長道謝.
又據江立三校友所云, 江仰民學長在若干年前曾由澳返中國大陸尋根, 並在其家鄉獨資捐校興學, 造福鄉里. 所謂 "施比受有福" , 且 "十年樹木, 百年樹人". 江學長捐校興學, 真是功德無量. 江學長善舉, 本會深感與有榮焉. 本會深深祝福江學長.
敢借江立三校友文字與圖片簡介, 公佈給大家籍以表彰江學長. 謹附本會副會長江立三之圖文如下:
會長滕偉廉謹代表全體校友感謝江仰民老師捐助5,000元給本會, 對校友會的熱愛和支持下, 理事會増加了一批新生力量。
1999年2月江立三, 江祝華和曽徳富,回國探親,参觀了江仰民校友獨資捐建的永定高南小學。
江仰民校友大家還認識吧,他是挽華校選運動員, 10,000 Meter 冠軍得主,藍球隊他是中鋒主將,緬甸仰光大學理學士,畢業後在挽華女校當過老師。 江仰民大概於1969年從緬甸移民到西澳大利,居住幾年後就開始做百貨生意,經過幾年的努力生意越做越旺,有巨大的成就,夫人楊美琼是西澳大利亞醫科大學畢業的醫生。
江仰民校友富有而不忘根,於1996年在他的家鄉,中國福建省龍 岩市永定縣高頭高南村,江仰民學友奉獻人民幣ㄧ百ㄧ十萬元 (US $135,000) 當時的錢很大,獨資捐建永定高南小學。捐款包含建造 "江連華教工樓”,”黃招蓮教學樓”三層樓房。 明細分別是教工樓建築面積770平方米,共有三層,第ㄧ層禮堂,第二層村委會,老人協會活動中心,第三層老師宿舍。教學樓建築面積800平方米,共有三層,設有教室,厨房,膳廰,學生宿舍等。
Raymond Kong (江仰民學長/老師) has made a generous gift of US$5,000 to Wan Hua Alumni Association. The Association is deeply grateful for his contribution.
Raymond Kong, an excellent student at CACS, was awarded many medals for his outstanding athletic performance. His achievements in track-and-field and basketball were particularly remarkable. He had served as a Physics teacher at St. Emilies' Convent and had been a valuable basketball player on the school team of Rangoon Arts and Science University.
Raymond Kong graduated from Rangoon Art and Science University. Raymond Kong and Mrs. Kong (also from St. Emilies' Convent) emigrated to Australia in 1969. Mrs. Kong graduated from a medical school in Perth, Western Australia.
Raymond Kong is not only talented in sports and games but also good at developing and running businesses. He made his mark as a supermarket owner in Perth.
In 1996, Raymond Kong single-handedly donated approximately US$135,000 toward the construction of an elementary school in his ancestral village and subsequently donated a significant amount of funds for the upkeep of the school.
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Raymond Kong
Raymond (right) with a young friend
Raymond (1st right in the back row) with his Wan Hua Alumni Association teammates
Raymond (1st left in the back row)
Raymond (1st right in the back row)
Raymond (2nd right, standing) with his Rangoon Arts and Science University teammates after a goodwill game with the visiting Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company basketball team at Aung San Basketball Stadium
Elementary school built and renovated with Raymond Kong's donations
Entrance of the school
Steven Kong and his friends paid a visit to the school in 1999
A beautifully-landscaped four-story building of the school