A Visit With Teacher Sao (Regina Ling)

Nora Kay(seated 2nd from right), her sister Lena Yang, Francis Ting, Augustina Wong, Dr. Than Than Nu (aka) Lily Swee Kuen Cho and their spouses paid a visit to Teacher Sao at her home in Yorba Linda, California on Saturday, June 2, 2007. Teacher Sao warmly greeted her students. They all had a good time reminiscing about their good old days at Wan Hua. Click here to read her essay on the visit.
To view the lst QuickTime movie, click here.
To view the 2nd movie, click here.
To view the 3rd movie, click here.
To view the 4th movie, click here.
Nora Kay's Wan Hua Story
My memory goes back five decades. The year was 1955 and we were living in Insein, a suburban town twelve miles north of Rangoon. My father, an immigrant, left China for Burma when he was just seventeen, like many others to escape the tumultuous period that was China. After taking on various kinds of jobs and many years of hardships, he finally settled down. Seeing my father as a hard-working person, my maternal grandparents betrothed their only daughter to him. At that time he was in his thirties and my mother was a second-generation ethnic Chinese. Growing up in the village she was rather Burmanized. After years of marriage they were childless but after adopting a month old baby they finally had my sister and me, followed by three brothers.
WHAA's Alumni Outreach Campaign

In our concerted effort to find and re-connect with our fellow alumni around the world, Patrick Ho (left), Nora Kay, and James Huang are on the mission to search out those alumni with whom we have lost contact. Please offer them your fullest cooperation when they approach you for information that would lead them to other former students of Catholic Anglo Chinese School and St. Emilie's Convent.

I Still Remember
(In Memory of Sayama Daw Than Shin)
I still remember
When I was just a schoolboy in your class
Your soft and gentle voice
Led me to a wonderful world of knowledge
I still remember
When I was just a shy little boy in your class
I wished I were your favorite pupil
But I dared not even get closer to you
You noticed my behaviors
And wrote "courage" for me
Then you know how happy I was
To have the courage to sit by your side
I still remember
When I drew a portrait of a movie star
You praised the portrait and said
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"
And yet, my dear teacher
You never knew that I whispered to myself
"You are the apple of my eyes!"
I still remember
When I faltered and in the mist of sorrow
You cheered me up with the story of "King Bruce and the Spider"
Ever since I know I shall become a conqueror on my way to success
'Cause I know "where there's a will, there's a way"
And if I fail, all I have to do is to try, try, try again
And so I remember
Even after I have children of my own
Not only to keep your photograph in my album
But also your gracefulness, your unforgettable voice,
And your encouraging words
Will live deeply in my heart forever
Arthur Wong (aka) Wong Kyin Yin
December 2006, California

State of the Wan Hua Alumni Association

Stan Liou, Steven Kong and Ken Yup have contributed greatly to the Wan Hua Alumni Association. They each donated $500 to the Association. The combined total of $1,500 was the largest donation ever received by the Association. We greatly appreciate their good deeds and their love for the Association. Stan, Steven and Ken are the first alumni to give to the Association since the resolution eliminating membership dues successfully passed in our November 5, 2006 meeting. Taking into account the donations they made early this year, Stan has donated a total of $800 and Steven has donated a total of $700 to the Association. From the bottom of our heart, we thank Stan, Steven and Ken for their kindness and generosity.
Dropping the annual membership dues essentially means two things: (1) Every Wan Hua alum is now a member of the Wan Hua Alumni Association (2) We'll rely solely on our alumni's donations in subsidizing our activities. Donations will also take care of such expenses as payment to our internet vendor for its webhosting services, the cost of purchasing stationery supplies and other goods and services, etc. Proponents of the resolution believe that as a result of this change there will be an increase in the number of our alumni attending the monthly meetings and activities. We do hope what they envision will come true and the Association's membership will double in number.
Stan has finished the task of appointing his team of Officers. The next phase of our election, which is the nomination of candidates for Directors, is now underway. We hope each and every alum will take time
enthusiastically nominating their candidates for Directors.
Finally, meetings are not as boring as they sound. Our monthly meetings are not like those at your work place. In our meetings, we sit together relaxed, sharing ideas, eating, laughing, arguing, and catching up with one another. You have to come to our meetings to experience it!
Veng Cheng Hakka Association President Steven Leesan Kong's Congratulatory Message to WHAA on the 1st Anniversary of the Founding of the Association

Election of Association's President Completed

How Much Do You Know About Your Alma Mater 'Wan Hua'?

Request For Old Pictures and Articles

The Wan Hua Alumni Association is in need of old Wan Hua photographs and articles to help us remember our schools, our beloved teachers and our childhood friends. This kind of reflection is significant to us as we become older and older. Along these lines, we urge our fellow alumni to contribute old class/school pictures and articles to this Web site. The articles can be written in any one of the following three languages: Chinese, English and Burmese. Suggested articles are: "My favorite teacher at CACS/St. Emilie's Convent", "The thing I remember most about CACS/St. Emilie's Convent", "My childhood days at CACS/St. Emilie's Convent", "What I learned from my school", "My experience at CACS/St. Emilie's Convent", etc. The old photographs are to be scanned and emailed as attachments to wanhuaorg@yahoo.com. Your contribution will be much appreciated by the Officers and Members of the Board of Directors of the Wan Hua Alumni Association.
Join Us

To join the Wan Hua Alumni Association or to make comments and suggestions, please e-mail Nora Kay at norakay@gmail.com
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